Wrong about itunes

I’ve always had something against anything related to ipods. Whilst I stand by my opinion of ipods I was totally wrong about itunes. My sister loaded it onto my computer a while ago and it took me ages to get rid of it (which I did without even looking at its features) but today I had to download it in order to get a piece of music which I just had to have and I must say I’m very impressed.

I love the ‘smart’ playlists, as they save me a lot of time. I also like the fact that the songs don’t actually have to be in the itunes folder but can be scattered around my computer (which is their current state)

I’m also rather pleased with the itunes music store in terms of convenience (I just popped across the road to a shell station and got a music card) and ease of use.
On the negative side the music is rather a lot more than I think it should be so I’ll stick to using it only when I cannot find the music elsewhere.

One thought on “Wrong about itunes

  1. Rob Irwin May 27, 2006 / 2:28 pm

    iTunes is a ****ing GREAT piece of software and is, in all seriousness, why I use an iPod. Whereas, I feel, most people do it the other way around.


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