3 thoughts on “3 Hours

  1. Cameron Reilly February 7, 2007 / 1:40 pm

    I missed your birthday! Sorry Mim! Happy belated. Great to read about your sleep trials as well. I’ve been thinking about giving it a go for the last week as well, although I hardly sleep as it is so I’m not sure how much difference it will make.


  2. miriam February 7, 2007 / 1:44 pm

    I’ve dealt sleep deprivation before because I used to have severe insomnia and sleep apnea but the polyphasic sleep was something else! If I’d stayed with it and been more strict with the timing it probably would have worked from a physical standpoint but it was SO boring! I can’t deal with having noone to talk to for so long.


  3. Phillip Molly Malone February 7, 2007 / 4:07 pm

    See thats what twitter is for. Friends everywhere. But seriously, happy belated Birthday. Molly


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